Generic remote control

1. Overview

This is a quick start guide for a specific configuration.
It is useful for a quick learning curve of the WE110 basic functionalities and for its immediate use.
This document does not cover all the WE110 functionalities. In case of doubts, clarifications or details, please refer to the complete guide:
Below are explained the instructions for an example WE110 remote control mode configuration:
The connected acctuator will turn on by ringing the WE110.
An alarm SMS will be sent when the digital input state will change with a delay of 5 seconds.

2. Electrical scheme


3. Programming

3.1 Mobile app for Andorid


The application works through the SMS, so the profiles of the various registered devices are not update automatically.
It is important to send the data update command to have a consistent state of the devices.
When WE110 receives a SMS its blue LED blinks for about 1 second.

3.1.1 Base configuration

Device profile creation

  1. Press the New profile button.
  2. Select the WE110 black edition.
  3. Select the English language.
  4. Select the Remote control mode.
  5. Set the device name as RemoteControl and its phone number for example +390000000001.
    Save the configuration.


The number +390000000001 it is only indicative for the format to be used.
Enter the correct SIM number in order for the device to work properly.

../_images/app110_an_rc_profile_01.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_profile_02.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_profile_03.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_profile_04.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_profile_05.png

Service center configuration

  1. Open the Thermostat menu pressing the option button or dragging a finger from left to right on the screen.
  2. Select the System option.
  3. Update the device settings.
    To get the updated configuration it must be send the update command because the app works through SMS and can not update itself automatically.
  4. Press the Advanced Settings button.
  5. Set the Service center with the number +390000000002 and send the data.


The number +390000000002 is only indicative for the format to be used.
Enter the correct service center number in order for the device to work properly.

../_images/app110_an_rc_conf_sc_01.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_conf_sc_02.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_conf_sc_03.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_conf_sc_04.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_conf_sc_05.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_conf_sc_06.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_conf_sc_07.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_conf_sc_08.png ../_images/app110_an_rc_conf_sc_09.png

Now the WE110 is already working in remote control.
This steps are sufficient for a simple configuration.
The following steps are useful for a complete configuration.

3.1.2 Advanced Configuration

Further pages are used to obtain a more detailed configuration

  1. Open the menu pressing the option button or dragging a finger from left to right on the screen.
  2. Select the Settings option.
  3. Update the device settings.
  4. Fill the fields as below:
    • Pulse duration: 3
    • Low alarm: enable
    • Low alarm delay: 5
    • Low alarm message: open
    • High alarm: enable
    • High alarm delay: 5
    • High alarm message: close
  5. Save the settings.

../_images/app110_ap_rc_adv_conf_01.png ../_images/app110_ap_rc_adv_conf_02.png ../_images/app110_ap_rc_adv_conf_03.png ../_images/app110_ap_rc_adv_conf_04.png ../_images/app110_ap_rc_adv_conf_05.png

3.2 Mobile app for iOS


The application works through the SMS, so the profiles of the various registered devices are not update automatically.
It is important to send the data update command to have a consistent state of the devices.
This application helps to create the SMS to send to the WE110 in a quick and easily way.
Sending and receiving SMS are manged by the system for privacy reasons.
When WE110 receives an SMS its blue LED blinks for about 1 second.

3.2.1 Base Configuration

Device configuration

  1. Press the New profile button.
  2. Fill all fields as below:
    • Name: termostato
    • Device number: +390000000002
    • Hardware version: black edition
    • Software version: EN
    • Mode: remote control
  3. Save the configuration.
  4. Drag a finger from left to to right on the screen.
  5. Select System.
  6. Set the service center number as +390000000082.
  7. Send the configuration.


The number +390000000002 is only indicative for the format to be used.
Enter the correct SIM number in order for the device to work properly.


The number +390000000082 is only indicative for the format to be used.
Enter the correct service server number in order for the device to work properly.

Now the WE110 is already working in remote control mode.
This steps are sufficient for a simple configuration.
The following steps are useful for a complete configuration.

3.4.2 Advanced Configuration

Further pages are used to obtain a more detailed configuration

  1. Open the Thermostat menu by dragging a finger from left to right on the screen.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Fill the fields as below:
    • Pulse duration: 3
    • Send the configuration.

    • Low alarm: enable
    • Delay: 5
    • Message: open
    • Send the configuration.

    • High alarm: enable
    • Delay: 5
    • Message: close
    • Send the configuration.

3.3 SMS Commands

The following command will result in the same configuration made with the mobile application.


When WE110 receives a SMS its blue LED blinks for about 1 second.

Set the administrator phone number:
ADMIN +390000000002

Service Center
Configure the service center:
CENTER +390000000004


The number +390000000004 it is only indicative for the format to be used.
Enter the correct service center number in order for the device to work properly.

Set the pulse duration to 3 seconds for the digital output:

Low alarm
Set the low alarm with a delay of 5 seconds and the message “open”:
ALARM 0 ON 5 open

High alarm
Set the high alarm with a delay of 5 seconds and the message “close”:
ALARM 1 ON 5 close