This instruction manual explains in details all functions of WE152, from the basic to the most advanced features and operations.
This manual refers to the Software version 4.0.1 released in July 2022. Please check that the software version of WE152 has been upgraded to the version mentioned in this manual, since some functions may differ. The Software version of the device is shown on page System → Info. It’s also displayed on the web interface of WE152, on the status-panel available on the right.
For questions or issues not covered by present document, don’t hesitate to contact Nethix Support:
Phone: +39 0423 770750
Web site:
WE152 is a programmable and expandable IIoT module. It’s user-friendly and can manage every single function of the system through its integrated Web Interface. It allows to read, monitor and control the signals coming from the connected machinessensors using the IO available on board (2 configurable analog inputs, 4 digital inputs and two digital output relays) and standard compatible communication protocols (Modbus RTU and MQTTS), that allow to communicate with several devices, even outside the Nethix range.
The device can manage the acquired signals as variables, that represent one of the most core elements of the entire system. Once defined the variable, it’s possible to configure alarm conditions (events/actions) on threshold crossing, send variables values to one or more external platforms and access directly to their status/value in different ways.
The configuration of the devices and of the operating logics is made through the integrated Web Interface, that can be reached locally or remotely. No additional Softwares/Drivers are required.
Before start using the device, it’s necessary to access the integrated Web Interface (through any browser), and read the quick start guide for further information.
After the log-in, the following interface will be available:
Here are the main elements of the Interface:
A variable contains the value of a monitoring/control parameter of the system. For instance a variable called temperature could be the value of the environmental temperature measured by an analog probe. WE152 allows to create variables, suitable to define events and actions. The variables are relevant elements of the system, since they include the values of measured or monitored parameters and allow to manage alarms notifications or data delivery to portal or cloud.
The variables and their status are available at the page Status → Variables and can be displayed in alphabetical order or in groups.
For the creation or modification of a variable, it’s necessary to go to the page Configuration → Variables → Variables.
In case of already defined variables, these will be shown on a tab, where the most important information are visualized. On this tab is possible to disable a variable (and its associated events/actions), to cancel it, to enable or disable the data delivery to portal and the dataloggin function, or to create a new variable clicking on New. For a fast research of one or more variables, it’s possible to use the field Find.
Several variable types are available, having different parameters. Only the section Generic Settings is valid for any type of variable. This section is composed of the following fields:
The available types of variables to be defined are the following:
In order to create a variable type AI, enter the page Configuration → Variables. Then click on the tab New.
Select Analog input under the position Type. Inside the section Generic Settings you can find the general settings suitable for all variable-types. The description of all the fields of this section are available at 2.1. Generic Settings.
We proceed then to the section called Analog Input: Specific Settings.
EXAMPLE: if we have a temperature probe in tension, having minimum value -20°C and maximum value 30°C, respectively at 0V and 5V, it’s possible to configure the minimum of the variable at -20, the maximum at 30 and visualize the temperature in degrees. On the field Decimals is possible to define the number of decimals to be displayed.
The input value is constantly monitored by WE152, keeping any possible configured threshold under control.
The anaolg inputs of WE152 has 12 bit resolution.
In order to create a varible type DI, enter the page Configuration → Variables. Click then on the tab New.
Select Digital Input under the position Type. Inside the section Generic Settings you can find the general settings suitable for all variable-types. The description of all the fields of this section are available at 2.1. Generic Settings.
We proceed then to the section called Digital Input: Specific Settings.
First of all is requested to confirm the digital input to be associated to the variable. It’s possible to choose among DI1, DI2, DI3 and DI4.
From the field Input mode, select the desired modality among the following options:
According to the selection made, the following fields will have different meaning.
A variable type DI → Normal is a variable that allows to display the status of the digital contact. It’s therefore possible to define events/actions according to the contact changing (open>closed and viceversa)
A so called Normal digital input can be open or closed. Thanks to the fields Open label e Close label it’s possible to associate a string, that will be displayed on the page Status → Variables, in order to intuitively show to the user the current status of the input. For WE152, the input has to be considered closed when it’s bridged to GND; it’s open when there’s no connection between the input and GND. The only further field to be configured is Inverted led. This setting influences the visualization of the variable on the page Status → Variables. If the option is disabled, the input status Open shows a gray icon, while the status closed shows a green icon. If the option is enabled, the visualization will be the opposite. For further details see relevant section 6.1. Variables status.
During the configuration of events/alarms, the input status Closed corresponds to value 1, while the status Open corresponds to 0.
A variable type DI → Counter is a variable that allows to count the pulses on a digital input.
The first field to be filled is Count start i.e. the starting point of the counter. This value will be considered only the first time. If the counter is reset, this will restart from 0.
The last setting is the Edge trigger, the edge to be considered as an impulse:
A variable type DI → Flow measurement is a variable that allows, for instance, to calculate the flow rate.
On the field Timeout is edited the maximum time interval (in seconds) between two pulses. After the set time has expired, the variable will be reset. It’s useful to set the timeout, in case the flow should stop. In this case, if the timeout is not set, the value of the variable would remain the one of the last received pulse, thus giving a wrong information and creating potentially contradictory logs.
Inside the field Volume is set the sample unit to be associated to a pulse.
Measurement unit allows to set a measurement unit for this variable, on the other hand on Edge trigger is possible to select the edge to be considered as a pulse:
If we set the timeout at “600” (seconds), the Edge trigger as Rising edge, the measurement unit as L/s (i.e. liter per second) and the volume at 100, we will have the following:
A variable type DI → Time counter è una variabile che permette di contare il tempo (in secondi) is a variable that allows to count the time ( in seconds) of opening/closing of a contact; this application is interesting for example to get the total operating time of a machinery.
After the selection of the Edge trigger o be considered (please remind that Falling edge is the changing from closed to open, Rising edge is the contrary and Rising and falling edge both of them), it’s necessary to select the type of counter. These are the options:
To create a DO variable, associated to a digital output available on board of the device, it’s first of all necessary to enter the page Configuration → Variables. Clicking on the tab New, we get to the page , where it’s possible to configure the variable.
Under the position Digital Output select Type.
Inside the section Generic Settings you can find the general settings suitable for all variable-types. The description of all the fields of this section are available at 2.1. Generic Settings.
On the section called Digital Output: Specific Settings, after the selection of the Output (between DOUT1 and DOUT2), it’s required to configure the operating modality on the field Output mode. Le opzioni disponibili sono:
Independently from the selected option, on the field Status change delay (s) must be entered the number of delay seconds, before the output is activated or deactivated at any impulse coming.
Please note that the option Non-volatile value can be combined with the Output mode. If the option is disabled, the status of the output at the start (after a shut down or reboot) will depend directly on the Output mode, in case the output is Normally open/Pulse open, the contact will start in open status; if the output is Normally closed/Pulse closed, the contact will start in closed status.
If, on the other hand, the Non-volatile value option is enabled, at the start up of the system it will be restored the previous output status.
The status of the digital outputs can be modified by associating them to an event, through a dedicated command via Chat, Email or directly from Status → Variables.
Virtual variables are not connected to the I/O of the device and can be of different types. The status of a virtual variable can be modified/read via Chat, Email from the page Status -> Variables or at the occurrence of an event, and its value can be given also by a mathematical formula. Some virtual variables allow to monitor the system parameters or to change remotly the threshold of an alarm/event (for example a setpoint). Others can be used to let WE152 manage the status or the value coming from a measurement, made by a different device (Nethix or not, through MQTT and Modbus protocol).
To create a variable type Virtual, it’s first of all necessary to enter the page Configuration → Variables. Clicking on the tab New, we enter the page, where it’s possible to configure the variable.
Select Virtual under the position Type.
Inside the section Generic Settings you can find the general settings suitable for all variable-types. The description of all the fields of this section are available at 2.1. Generic Settings.
On the section called Virtual variable: Specific Settings, is given the possibility to choose among the following options:
Selecting the type Normal, the Measurement unit and the Decimals numbers have to be entered on the relevant fields. The value of this type of variable can be changed manually (Email, Chat or from Status → Variables) and/or automatically (through the action execute command configurable on the page for the events creation 4.2.3. Action Execute a Command).
Selecting the type Math expression , beside the Measurement unit and the Decimals numbers, it’s possible to specify also the math expression to be applied to the variable.
A Virtual variable → Math expression allows to make calculations using constants or variables as elements, and gives the possibility to use some of the most common mathematical operations such as:
beside other constants as:
The use of round brackets is supported.
“Var1” is the name of a variable of any type (not necessarily Virtual) and its value is 10. On the field Math expression we could write:
In this case the Virtual variable would assume value “100”.
Var1 is as for previous example, Var2 is another variable of any type having value 15.
On the field Math expression we could write:
( Var1 * ( Var2 – 10 ) ) / 2
From which we get: (10 * (15-10)) / 2 → (10*5)/2 → 50 / 2 → 25
The value displayed by WE152 would then be “25”.
At every changing of one of the expression’s factors, the result is immediately recalculated by WE152.
A Virtual variable type Math expression can be used as an element inside another expression.
Selecting Date/Time the variable will show the value in seconds, minutes, hours, day of the month, month, year, day of the week o day of the year.
For example, selecting Minutes [0-59] on the field Date/time mode at 12:35 the variable will show the value 35.
Selecting System variables it’s possible to specify the Measurement unit and the Decimals numbers, this type of variables can represent:
As for all other variables, also for the system variables it’s possible to associate one or more alarm conditions.
WE152 allows to create a bridge between variables, in order to transfer the value or the status from a variable to another. If, for example, we want to read the value of the analog input and transfer it to a virtual variable, this is the procedure:
Through this procedure we will get 2 variables having the same value. At every changing of the status/value of the variable type Analog Input will correspond the changing of the value of the variable virtual.
Modbus is a communication protocol used for industrial systems. The graphical interface and the sequence of pages and sections of the WE152 make the Modbus configuration very easy and intuitive under all aspects.
In order to create a functioning modbus network is necessary to:
There is no predetermined sequence: it can be started by defining the network parameters and then creating variables and commands or starting with the creation of commands and variables and then associate them later on.
WE152 allows to create a Modbus Network on each available serial port (232 and 485).
To create a variable (of any type) enter Configuration → Variables → Variables.
If some variables are already available, they will be displayed in the table with some of their main features.
To edit an existing variable click on its name, to create a new one click on New.
The name of the new variable is entered in the page for creating variables: the field Name accepts alpha-numeric characters and “_”. The space is not allowed.
Then select Modbus in the Type field.
Under the section Generic Variables all standard settings for any type of variables are available. For the description of all the fields of this section, see 2.1. Generic Settings.
According to the type of variable selected, the following section will have a specific structure:
It’s now necessary to select the Access mode, i.e. the type of Modbus variable, among the following options:
In the field Data type is possible to select the variable number of bit.
In this field is requested to specify the position of the bit inside the word (1 word = 16 bit). Inside one single word there can be up to 16 variables of 1 bit each. If the variable that we want to create, is on the first position of the word, the value “0” must be selected in the field Bit position. Alternatively if the variable, that we want to create, is on the last position of the word, the value “15” in the field Bit position must be entered.
In order to complete the creation of the variable, just set up a string for the open status (corresponding to value 0) and a string for the closed status (corresponding to value 1).
These strings will allow to display the variable status (for example Open/closed, on/off, and so on..)
For the 8 bit variables is requested to specify the Bit position (it’s possible to choose only between 0 and 7, since 8 bit corresponds to half a word) and some other information available also for 16-32-32inv variables. If the variable, that we want to create, is in the first word position, the value “0” must be entered in the field Bit position. Alternatively if the variable that we want to create, is in the middle of the word, the value “7” must be entered in field Bit position.
Selecting 16, 32 or 32inv on the field Data type, the following fields must be completed and specified:
By clicking Save the variable will be created.
Information as Modbus address, Memory address, Access mode, Data type, Bit position are normally described in the data sheets of the modbus devices.
It’s important to make sure that all parameters are correct, in case of doubts contact the server device’s manufacturer or the Support at Nethix.
For further information about the use of the Modbus Protocol, visit the official site
All modbus variables need to be associated to a read and/or write command.
Under the section Configuration → Modbus → Commands all available commands (if previously created) will be displayed. In order to create a new command click on Add new command.
According to the type of created variable it’s possible to define a read/write command using one of the following functions:
All functions available in WE152 respect the Modbus standard.
Once made the selection of the function to be used, the following parameters need to be set:
Clicking on Save the command will be saved.
Information as Server address, Memory address, Words number, Modbus function are normally described in the data sheets of the modbus devices.
It’s important to make sure that all parameters are correct, in case of doubts contact the server device’s manufacturer or the Support at Nethix.
For further information about the use of the Modbus Protocol, visit the official site
Once created the command, it’s possible to proceed with the definition of the Modbus network. To enter this section, select Configuration → Modbus → Networks from the menu, click the tab Networks on the top left side or click the link Create new network on the right side of the Save button.
In this last case, when the page for the creation of Modbus networks opens, the new created command is already associated with the network.
All modbus variables and commands need to belong to a Modbus network to grant a correct functioning.
Selecting Configuration → Modbus → Networks from the menu, an overview of all available networks will be displayed.
It’s possible to create a new network clicking on Add new network.
According to this combination the WE152 will act as Client inside a RTU network, using one of the available serial ports in order to read/write on the registers of any Modbus server device.
The settings to be defined are the following:
Regardless of the selections made on the fields Peer type and Physical network type, the previously created commands and variables have to be associated to the relevant network through the tabs commands and variables.
In the table Availables are listed all variables and Modbus commands previously created. Selecting and clicking > (or with a double click on it), the variable or the command is moved to the table Selected.
To remove a variable or a command from the Modbus network, select it and then click on < (or click twice on it).
When Save is clicked, in case of no detected configuration errors, the system will activate the new Modbus network.
In order to check the correctness of all settings, it’s possible to check on page Status → Variables or the system’s logs on page Diagnostics → Logs.
Note that, once created a Modbus network, on the left side of the tabs Save and Back, some links will be available, these allow to enter directly the relevant pages, without passing through the menu:
It’s possible to read or write one or more Modbus registers without creating a variable or a command.
Entering the page Configuration → Modbus → Raw, it’s possible to start an instant reading/writing of a given register, just by properly completing the following fields:
In the field Value it will be displayed the value read (in case of reading functions) and a notification message of successfully executed reading/writing will be sent by the WE152.
WE152 includes 4 digital inputs, 2 analogue inputs and 2 digital outputs. The I/O module of WE152 can nevertheless be expanded with one or more additional expansion units of the range XP500.
In order to add or edit an expansion unit is necessary to enter the page Configuration → Modbus → Expansions and click on New or select one of the previously added expansions.
Click on New to enter the wizard, that allows to install any of the available expansion modules of the range XP500.
The available models are:
For further details on the available models, refer to the specific manual XP500.
Once made the selection of the required expansion type, clicking on Next, the guided installation procedure will start.
For each single model of XP500 the wizard will explain how to enter the Init Mode, which is necessary to let the WE152 connect to the expansion, when to turn on the device and how to connect it to the WE152.
At the end of the procedure it’s required to confirm the name and the server address:
Once clicked on Save, WE152 will try to set the client address entered by the user inside the connected expander. Then WE152 will create automatically all variables and Modbus commands (and the network, if not already available) to communicate with the XP500.
The events and actions allow to set the conditions for alarms or notifications, according to the value or status of a variable.
The event is the necessary condition to generate an action.
Actions allow to trigger automated logics, to communicate with other devices, to send Emails, Chat and other.
Before creating Events/Actions, it’s necessary to have variables.
The events allow the WE152 to get aware, when a monitored parameter has crossed a certain threshold, set by the user.
There are different types of events, and for every type there are several parameters, that allow to have high flexibility in the monitoring and control of a system.
To create an event, it’s necessary to get to the page Configuration → Events/Actions → Events/Actions and then click on the tab New.
The tab Delete allows to delete one or more selected events, while with the tab Update it’s possible to make some modifications as for instance to able/disable one or more events, or to notify them as alarms and send them to a web portal. In order to recall one or more events, it’s possible to use the field Find that allows to make a query based on name.
When an event is created, after assigning a name, it’s necessary to confirm the type of event among Variable, Incoming data or Scheduler (see 5. Scheduler).
There are a few generic options that can be enabled according to the selected event’s type: it’s possible to decide wether to enable the event from Status or not, wether to display it or not as an alarm from the field Set as alarm and wether to send it or not to a web portal from the field Send to portal.
In case the option Set as alarm is enabled, at the occurrence of the event a red “X” will appear on the page Status → Variables, near the name of the variable (on the column Alarm); this allows to see at a glanace the presence of a critical condition.
The option Send to portal allows on the other hand to send an event to a web portal. At the occurrence of the event, the WE152 will execute the associated actions and send to portal a string, containing the name of the event and further relevant information.
It’s an event that occurs when a variable reaches a certain value or a certain status.
The behaviour of this type of event is determined by the behaviour of the variables, that will be associated to it.
First of all it’s necessary to choose a variable from the field Variable.
From the drop down menu, it’s possible see all variables previously created and select the one, on which an event has to be configured.
The second parameter to be selected is the one connected to the Condition. The possible options are EQUAL, NOT EQUAL, GREATER THAN, GREATER OR EQUAL THAN, LESS THAN and LESS OR EQUAL THAN.
It’s necessary to set the value to be considered as threshold for triggering the event, on the selected variable, entering a numerical value on the field Value.
It’s also possible to set that an event (and its associated actions) are ignored, if it’s found activated after a shut down/reboot of the system. This is possible enabling the option Skip action at startup.
The actions associated to such an event will be then executed at the receipt of the text, as entered on the field Message, on condition that it’s sent by one of the selected users.
The commands must be written case sensitive, as originally entered in the configuration.
In order to allow a user to send commands to the device, the relevant option on the page modify/create user must be enabled (see 8. Users).
In case of Emails, the command to be sent to the device must be included on the subject of the email and not in the body.
Once created an event and clicked on Save, a new section called Actions with relevant link Add action.
Clicking on the link, we enter a new page
From this page it’s possible to create an action for the just defined event. The available actions are:
Through the fields Execute action each and Minutes/Hours it’s also possible to configure that the action is repeated at regular time intervals untill the event remains active.
Once created an action, it’s possible to find it on the list available under the event. It’s possible to create up to 5 actions for each single alarm.
Selecting the option Send Email, it’s possible to write the text to be sent in case the event should occur.
If previously used messages are available, it’s possible to choose among them on the field Message through the drop down menu.
On the other hand, if a new text has to be created, it’s possible to select Create new message.
To modify an existing message, enter the page Configuration → Events/Actions → Messages and select the message to be modified.
Once defined the message, it’s possible to select the receivers among the list of registered users and groups.
Beside the definition of the event and the action, that should trigger the email to a certain user, it’s necessary to consider also the following:
On the messages to be sent at the occurrence of a certain event, it’s possible to recall the value of one or more variables. For this option is necessary to write on the message the symbol $ followed by the name of the variable (respecting upper and lower case):
If we have a variable called Var1 and we want to recall the value within the message for threshold crossing:
Text to be configured:
Alarm for high level. The level is $Var1 meters
if at the moment of the message sending the variable has a value of 5.7:
The message will be:
Alarm for high level. The level is of 5.7 meters.
Within one message is possible to recall more than one variable’s value.
Selecting Send Chat, it’s possible to write the text to be sent in case the event should occur.
If previously used messages are available, it’s possible to choose among them on the field Message through the drop down menu.
On the other hand, if a new text has to be created, it’s possible to select Create new message.
To modify an existing message, enter the page Configuration → Events/Actions → Messages and select the message to be modified.
Once defined the message, it’s possible to select the receivers among the list of registered users and groups.
Beside the definition of the event and the action, that should trigger the message via Chat to a certain user, it’s necessary to consider also the following :
On the messages to be sent at the occurrence of a certain event, it’s possible to recall the value of one or more variables. For this option is necessary to write on the message the symbol $ followed by the name of the variable (respecting upper and lower case).
If we have a variable called Var1 and we want to recall the value within the message for threshold crossing:
Text to be configured:
Alarm for high level. The level is $Var1 meters
If at the moment of the message sending the variable has a value of 5.7
The message will be:
Alarm for high level. The level is of 5.7 meters
Within one message is possible to recall more than one variable’s value.
Selecting Execute a Command from the field Type, it’s possible to select a variable among those available in the list and define then a value on the field To.
Thus at the occurrence of the defined event, the selected variable will be set at the value entered in the field To.
Inside the drop down menu Set may not be available all the created variables, because the system automatically select the variables that may have the value changed:
For obvious reasons the following variables won’t appear in this list:
Through an action type Execute a Command, it’s possible to create automated operations connected to the occurrence of a certain event, as for instance the closing of an output if an analog input should reach a certain threshold.
Selecting Reboot on the field Type, it’s possible to let the WE152 reboot at the occurrence of the associated event.
Selecting Poweroff on the field Type, it’s possible to let the WE152 power off at the occurrence of the associated event.
WE152 allows to define scheduled actions, that can be executed once or periodically. To access to the scheduler function enter the page Configuration → Event/Actions → Event/Actions (see 4. Events/Actions). The actions, that the scheduler can manage, are the same available for any other event type (4.2. Actions) Selecting the option Scheduler on the field Type, it’s possible to enter the dedicated section.
Different combinations are possible, that can be divided into three main types: Execute recurrently based on a schedule, Execute every and Execute only once.
This option allows to enter the scheduler and configure when the action has to be executed.
For instance if we want an action to be executed every 15 minutes:
On the field Minute the numbers 00, 15, 30 e 45 must be selected.
If we want this action to be executed only between the 10:00 and the 11:00:
On the field Hour it must be set the number 10.
If the action must be executed only on Monday and the last day of the month (independently from the fact that it’s Monday or not):
On the field Day of month select the number 31, while on the field Day of week it must be selected the option Mon (Monday).
Eventually if the action has to be executed only on the first and the last month of the year:
On the field Month it has to be selected the option Jan (January) and Dec (December).
The field Preview offers the possibility to check when the WE152 will execute the action. According to our example the Preview will show the following:
Execute at 10:00, 10:15, 10:30, 10:45 if the day is 10 or is Monday of January and December
The action will then be executed every Monday and every end of Month of January and February at 10:00, 10:15, 10:30 and 10:45.
The option Execute every allows to execute an action at regular interval of time. On the field Unit is possible to select the measurement unit among Seconds, Minutes, Hours and Days.
For instance, if a certain action has to be executed every hour:
On the field Unit select Hours.
On the field Value enter 1.
Also in this case the field Preview gives the possibility to check when the action will be executed. According to the above example, the Preview will show:
Execute every hour
The action will be then executed at the beginning of every hour.
The option Execute only once allows to enter the Scheduler in order to define when the action has to be executed.
Clicking on the icon available at the right of the field Date, the scheduler is opened and it allows to define the hour, the day, the month and the year, when the action has to be executed.
Once executed the action, the event can be deleted, since it has to be executed only once.
If, for example, it’s set to execute a certain action on the 31st of January 2023 at 12:30:00:
It’s required to scroll until the desired data, to select the day, complete the time fields and then click OK.
Beside the possibility of getting alarms notifications, it’s also possible to query the status of the created variables at any time.
The procedures for getting the status or value of a variable are the following:
The page Status → Variables collects and displays all created variables. The variables are visualized in alphabetical order and can be grouped at own discretion.
In order to create one or more groups of variables it’s required to go to page Configuration → Variables → Variables Groups:
Clicking on the tab New, a new page opens, where all created variables are available.
Flagging the field Hidden, it’s possible to decide if the group and the variables will be shown on the page Status→Variables. Eventually it’s possible to choose the variables to be included in the group, selecting them from the list Available variables.
Once confirmed, clicking on Save, we will find the new created group on the page Status → Variables.
After the creation of the first group, all the variables not included in any group, will be automatically be included in the group Others.
Back to the page Status → Variables he situation will be as follows:
As you can see, on the right of the group name are two icons
It’s possible to recall again the hidden groups and restore the reduced ones by clicking
Located on the bottom right of the page.
The variables chart is divided into 7 columns:
The page Status → Variables, is automatically refreshed every 5 seconds. Thus it’s possible to read the status variations without refreshing manually the page.
It’s possible to query or modify the status of variables by using a specific syntax via Chat or Email.
The fact that it’s possible to read or write a value, depends on the type of variable you’re interacting with.
The variables where it’s possible to change the value through the command Set are the following: counter on digital inputs, digital outputs, Modbus write variables, Modbus read/write variables and virtual variables.
Once properly configured the WE152, it’s possible to use the syntax as reported below:
Command to be sent:
Set VarName=Value
If we want to set the value “5” on virtual variable “Var1”, the Email or Chat message to be sent is:
Command to be sent:
Set Var1=5
In case it’s supposed to send an Email, it’s necessary to use the same syntax as above, entering the command on the subject of the same email.
If it’s required to set the values of more variables with one single command, it’s enough to separate the variables through a space:
Command to be sent:
Set Var1=5 Var2=10 Var3=15
It’s very important to respect carefully lower and upper cases.
The commands must be sent respecting upper and lower cases, as defined during the configuration.
To allow a user to send commands to the device, the relevant option has to be activated on the page modify/create users (see 8. Users).
In case of emails, the command to be sent to the device must be included on the subject and not on the body of the email.
All variables can be read, using the command Get.
Once appropriately configured WE152, it’s possible to use the following syntax:
Command to be sent:
Get VarName
If we want to get the value of the virtual variable “Var1”, the Email or Chat message to be sent is:
Command to be sent:
Get Var1
In case it’s supposed to send an Email, it’s necessary to use the same syntax as above, entering the command on the subject of the same email.
If it’s required to get the values of more variables with one single command, it’s enough to separate the variables through a space:
Command to be sent:
Get Var1 Var2 Var3
It’s very important to respect carefully lower and upper cases.
The commands must be sent respecting upper and lower cases, as defined during the configuration.
To allow a user to send commands to the device, the relevant option has to be activated on the page modify/create users (see 8. Users).
In case of emails, the command to be sent to the device must be included on the subject and not on the body of the email.
Using the function Incoming data t’s possible to create customized commands, both for setting the value of one or more variables and for create status messages.
In order to create a customized message to be sent as a text via Chat or Email, it’s necessary to define an event Incoming data (for further details see 4.1.2. Incoming data) and create some actions type Execute a command (see 4.2.3. Action Execute a Command).
Thus it’s possible to set the status of more variables.
On the other hand, in order to create a customized command suitable to report the value of one or more variables, it’s possible to use the character $:
Having created an event type Incoming data, and having then defined an action type Send Email or Send Chat (see 4.2.2. Action Send Chat and 4.2.1. Action Send Email), it’s possible to define the message, that WE152 will have to send to the configured users.
The status of all variables can be delivered to a Portal or Web server, when properly configured. The automatic delivery of the variables’ value can be very useful, when for instance it’s required to manage several machines/WE152 and to control the status of the main variables without connecting directly to the interface of each single device. With the collected data it’s in fact possible to generate graphs and tabs, according to the desired setting of each portal.
Two steps are necessary, in order to let WE152 send the variables’ value:
In order to send data to a portal, it’s first of all necessary to enable the variable/s to this purpose, by activating the option Cloud sending, from the page creation of a variable.
It’s possible to activate/deactivate the option of sending data to portal also from the page Configuration → Variables, by adding or deleting the flag on the column Cloud and clicking then Update.
After the selection of the variables to be enabled to data delivery, it’s necessary to configure all parameters, that allow the proper functioning of the system, at the page Configuration → Cloud
Some of the requested information on this page require a minimal know-how about data delivery technologies, or the support of the cloud provider.
On the first section General, some of the main settings have to be defined as for instance the service activation and the delivery frequency.
If the parameters required in this page are not defined, it’s not possible to proceed with the configuration.
Once enabled the service and set the interval of time, it’s possible to decide to enable one or more modalities and destinations among: HTTP, FTP, MQTT and Email report.
At any time it’s possible to click on Refresh in order to update the information, or Empty box in order to delete all messages available in Outbox.
Clicking on the drop down menu on top of the tab, it’s possible to pass from Outbox to Sent. In this last section are displayed some information about the already executed deliveries of the WE152:
At any time it’s possible to click on the tab Refresh in order to recall the information or Empty box in order to delete all messages available in Sent.
From the tab HTTP it’s possible to enable the delivery to the Cloud offered by Nethix, or to any third party server.
Selecting Nethix API on the field Protocol, and enabling the delivery by flagging Enable, the delivery to the Portal will be activated.
The Portal is a service offered by Nethix and grants the following options:
For further information, please refer to the documentation: Portal.
The default settings are:
The correct parameters are in any case indicated by Nethix at the activation of the service.
In alternative it’s possible to enable the data delivery to an external server. In this case it has to be selected the option HTTP on the field Protocol.
On General setup the following parameters have to be defined:
On Data delivery it’s possible to define the path inside the server, where the script for the received data processing is available:
Note: In case of data delivery type Server, WE152 will use the same frequency as set for the sampling (Configuration → Cloud → General).
During the creation of a variable (see 2.1. Generic Settings) it’s possible to specify which one of the two modalities has to be used.
MQTT report example:
From the tab Email report it’s possible to configure the delivery of the data collected by WE152 to one or more email addresses.
To let the report be properly sent, it’s necessary to have correctly configured the email account associated to the WE152 (9.3. Email) and have enabled the option Receive report by email on the configuration of the users who are supposed to receive the email (8. Users).
From the tab FTP it’s possible to configure the sending of the logged data to any FTP server:
In order to enter the Web Interface of the device and be able to get/send Chat messages and Email, it’s necessary to define the users.
There are three types of users: SYSTEM, ADMIN and USER. The main features of these three user levels are:
At the start up is available the default System Administrator type SYSTEM, whose log-in credentials (to be changed as soon as possible) are the following:
Username: admin
Password: admin
To create a new user it’s necessary to go to the page Configuration → Users → Users.
In this page are displayed some information referred to the previously created users:
From the column Delete it’s possible to select one or more users to be deleted by clicking on the tab Delete selected users.
To edit a previously created user just click on his username, in order to create a new one, just click on the tab Add new user.
The following are the parameters to be set, in order to create a user:
If several users are available in the system, the management of events and actions may be complicated. In order to simplify the situation, it’s possible to define and create groups of users.
In order to create, delete and edit the groups of users, it’s necessary to go to page Configuration → Users → Groups.
On this page are available some information about the previously created groups, as:
From the column Delete it’s instead possible to select one or more groups to be deleted by clicking Delete selected groups.
To edit an existing group, click on the name of the desired group. On the other hand, to create a new group, click on Add new group.
In order to correctly create a new group only few information are necessary:
Clicking on Save the group will be created. Here are some comments regarding the groups of users:
A very important role in the settings, in order to have a perfectly functioning system, is the connectivity, i.e. all the channels available for communicating with the device.
All the settings regarding the network interface, the service and connectivity functions of the device are available under the section Networking of the Menu.
Clicking on Networking → Interfaces we enter the section, where it’s possible to define the modality for WE152 to enter into the internet network.
In case of WE152 the only option is WiFi.
In order to enable and change the configuration parameters of the Wi-Fi network, go to page Networking → Interfaces → WiFi.
After clicking on Save, will start to scan the Wi-Fi available networks. Once found the network having the preconfigured SSID, the device will execute the authentication, using the indicated parameters.
If all operations are successfully executed, the indicator available on the status panel will become green. It will also be displayed the IP address given by the WE152.
In order to get further information regarding the status of the WLAN connection, it’s possible to enter the page Diagnostics → Networking inside the section WLAN Interface (see 11.2. Connectivity information).
The section Networking→Services of the menu allows to enable some additional services, that will use the connectivity of the device:
Before proceeding with the configuration of the WE152, it’s necessary to do the following:
Once created a new email account, it’s possible to pass to the configuration of WE152, defining whether to enable the outgoing emails, the incoming or both of them in th epage Networking→Services→Email.
The necessary parameters for the email sending from WE152 have to be defined on the section Outgoing mail setup:
Once clicked on Save, on the bottom of the page a new section called Outgoing mail test will appear: from this section it’s possible to send a test email to any address.
On the section Incoming mail setup it’s possible to define the necessary parameters for the reception of the emails sent by the enabled users:
A properly configured mail service will allow the WE152 to send notification mails to the configured users (see 4.2.1. Action Send Email), to receive commands from registered users (see 6.2. Set/Get commands via Email/Chat and 10. System commands), to send/receive commands to/from other devices and to send scheduled reports (see 7.6. Email report).
All sent and received emails can be visualized on the page Status → Services → Email. At the access, the first page shows the emails received by the device
On the displayed tab, following information are shown:
Any time it’s possible to click the tab Refresh, in order to refresh all information, or Empty box in order to delete all messages available inside Inbox.
Clicking on the drop-down menu on top of the tab, it’s possible to pass from Inbox to Outbox.
On this tab it’s possible to visualize all emails not yet delivered by WE152. The displayed information are the following:
Any time it’s possible to click the tab Refresh, in order to refresh all information, or Empty box in order to delete all emails available inside Outbox (i.e. messages that will never be sent by WE152).
Clicking on the drop-down menu on top of the tab, it’s possible to pass from Outbox to Sent. In this last tab are displayed some information regarding the mails already sent by WE152:
Any time it’s possible to click the tab Refresh, in order to refresh all information, or Empty box in order to delete all emails available inside Sent.
Once checked that the device is able to connect to the net and having created a chat user to be associated to the WE152, it’s then possible to proceed with the configuration of the service from the page Networking → Services → Chat.
On the section Chat service setup must be defined the necessary parameters for the successful functioning of the service:
Once clicked on Save, at the bottom of the page a new section called Chat test will appear; from that section it’s possible to send a test message via chat to the chat room of the device.
All by the device sent and received chat messages can be visualized on the page Status → Services → Chat. At the access, on the first visualized page will show the messages received by the device via chat.
On the displayed tab the following information are available:
Any time it’s possible to click the tab Refresh, in order to refresh all information, or Empty box in order to delete all emails available inside Inbox.
Clicking on the drop-down menu on top of the tab, it’s possible to pass from Inbox to Outbox.
On this tab is possible to visualize all not yet delivered messages of the chat. The available information are the following:
Any time it’s possible to click the tab Refresh, in order to refresh all information, or Empty box in order to delete all messages available inside Outbox (i.e. messages that will never be sent by WE152).
Clicking on the drop-down menu on top of the tab, it’s possible to pass from Outbox to Sent. In this last tab are shown some information about the already sent messages:
Any time it’s possible to click the tab Refresh, in order to refresh all information, or Empty box in order to delete all messages available inside Sent.
where of course instead of my_username it must be entered the correct name.
There are two possible modalities to enable the VPN:
To let a PC connect with Nethix VPN, in order to reach and connect to the required WE152, the following procedures are available:
The manual VPN is used to establish a secure connection to any other server VPN, compatible with the Standard OpenVPN.
The parameters to be configured in order to enable a manual VPN are the following:
WE152 offers also the possibility to associate its own connection with a dynamic DNS service, choosing one of the available providers from the list on page Networking → Services → DDNS.
The DDNS service allows to access the device without knowing the correct IP address (which may vary at every new connection). It’s nevertheless necessary to have a public IP address for the correct functioning of the connection.
WE152 has a list of preconfigured commands, that allow to set or get some system parameters. The commands can be sent by any enabled user via Chat or Email. On the tab below are reported all available system commands complete with description:
Command | Description |
STAT | It requires the system status. The device answers to the sender with an email or a chat message, containing the following information:
EXAMPLE: IP: (15:54:49 up 9 days, 7:07, load average: 0.32, 0.23, 0.18) |
SETTIME MMDDhhmmYYYY | When WE152 receives this message (via Chat or Email) from a registered user, it will set the new date and time as indicated on the message. The meaning of the syntax is: MM: month, DD: day, hh: hour, mm: minutes and YYYY: year. EXAMPLE: for setting the date 25 December 2022 and time 09:41, send SETTIME 122509412022 |
SIGNAL | It queries the Wi-Fi signal strength. When a WE152 receives this command (via Chat or Email) from a registered user, the device will detect the strength of the Wi-Fi signal and accordingly inform the sender, according to the following format: WiFi Signal:XX Instead of “XX” will be reported the signal strength in dBm |
ReBooT | It triggers the reboot of the system. When WE152 receives this command (via Chat or Email) from a registered user, it starts a reboot of the system. Pay attention to upper and lower case, it’s case sensitive. |
PowerOff | It triggers the power off of the system. When WE152 receives this command (via Chat or Email) from a registered user, it powers off the system. To restart it, it’s necessary to switch off and then on the power supply. Pay attention to upper and lower case, it’s case sensitive. |
WE152 offers some diagnostic operations and allows to visualize some information about the system functioning.
Entering the section Diagnostics it’s possible to receive some additional information about the active connections, in order to check the functioning.
From the page Diagnostics → Logs → System it’s possible to read the last 20 logs of the system.
On the reported tab are displayed some useful information for getting a report about the system status and identify possible errors. To update the list of the logs, click on Refresh.
In case of error notifications, double check the configuration of the device and revert to Nethix support service.
On the page Diagnostics → Logs → Boot it’s possible to read the system boot logs, i.e. all operations that are executed by WE152 at every start/reboot.
Such information can be interesting for Nethix Support service, in case of assistance.
On the page Diagnostics → Networking it’s possible to read additional information regarding the status of the active connections.
The page is divided into three sections: RNDIS Interface, WLAN Interface and VPN Interface (if available).
Every section shows a set of technical information regarding the relevant connection type.
RNDIS Interface:
WLAN Interface:
VPN Interface:
In case of failures in the communication, as for instance during the data delivery to a Portal, mail or any other operation, WE152 gives the possibility to execute a ping towards any host, allowing to select the network interface to be used.
For this operation, enter the page Diagnostics → Ping.
Once filled in above mentioned fields, clicking on Ping, the operation starts. The results will be reported on the area below, letting the user detect possible malfunctions.
WE152 is equipped with a software configurable input, according to customer’s requirements. To change the input configuration it’s enough to select the page Configuration → General Setup.
Once modified the modality of the input, the previously associated variable will be deleted. Please remember to create it again.
WE152 allows to have a complete overview of the configuration made by the user, and it’s accessible in one single page in order to simplify the review of the entered information.
Entering the page Configuration → Overview is available a complete summary of the configuration made, divided into the following sections:
On the right of every position, displayed on the configuration Overview is the icon that allows to expand the contents and access to further details.
On the section Configuration → General Setup some general device settings can be defined and some additional services can be activated.
On the page Configuration → General Setup → System, under the section System, it’s possible to personalize the contents, that will be displayed on the page Status → Site after the login. These settings have the purpose of identifying the device and are not compulsory.
On the page Configuration → General Setup → System, under the section Time/Date, it’s possible to set the date and time of the device:
It’s also possible to specify a different NTP server as the default one, by clicking the link Advanced.
Some graphical customizations of the device Web Interface are possible; these are available for all the users on the page Configuration → General Setup → Web Interface.
On the section Web interface theme theme it’s possible to select the device look and feel among Dark (dark version) and Light (light version).
On the section Web interface customization it’s possible to modify some other elements of the device:
Every field, that allows a colour, if clicked, will show a colour picker, that will allow an easy selection of the desired colour, and will set automatically the correspondent hex value.
On page System → Info there are some additional information regarding WE152. On the section System information, are displayed some general information:
WE152 offers the possibility to make a backup of the configuration made on the device in the form of an encrypted file, on the page System → Backup/Restore.
The backup includes:
On the other hand, these won’t be included in the back up:
To execute the backup, click on Backup on the section Download configuration.
Once received the encrypted backup file, it’s possible to upload it on any other device, having the same hardware and software as the original one.
From the section Restore configuration, simply select the backup file and click Restore. At the end of the operation, it’s recommended to reboot the device to make the changes effective.
The Backup/restore tool can be useful also in the case, that a configuration copy should be kept as reference for future upload on the original device or for installing the same configuration in several devices.
In this last situation, i.e. to make a Restore on a different WE152 as the original one, where the back up has been created, it’s very important to know the following:
The internal memory of WE152 allows to log a high quantity of data. Nevertheless, to avoid the overload of the device, it’s possible to delete any available log from the page System → Reset Logs.
The logs that can be deleted are:
Once selected one or more positions, just click on Erase logs to delete the logs permanently from the device memory.
In case it should be necessary to reset the device to the factory settings, and thus delete all logged data and the configuration previously made, it’s possible to make it on the page System → Factory Reset.
After clicking on the only available tab in the page, it’s necessary to confirm the operation before proceeding. Once confirmed, the WE152 will reboot and be again available via USB.
The factory Reset deletes all settings, including also those referred to the connectivity. It’s therefore suggested to avoid a remote execution of this operation.
WE152 can be upgraded any time on client’s request or on notification by Nethix.
The upgrades can be made according to 2 different procedures: writing the name of the required version and downloading it from the official Nethix server (after having contacted Nethix Support Service), or in alternative uploading on the device the encrypted file, containing the upgrade (to be requested at Nethix Support Service).
Both procedures are available on page System → Ugprade.
Once received the right string, it must be entered on the field Version. Click then on Upgrade.
The download time depends on the active connection speed on the WE152. Once downloaded the required version, WE152 reboots and then install it. This operation may require about three minutes.
When WE152 is on line again, it’s suggested to enter the interface and check if the upgrade has been successfully executed (it’s enough to check it on the status panel).
On the other hand, from the section Upgrade from file it’s possible to send to the WE152 an encrypted file containing the upgrade, after having downloaded it on the PC.
The file depends on the previous version available on the device and must be required at Nethix Support Service.
The download time depends on the active connection speed on the WE152. Once downloaded the required version, WE152 reboots and then install it. This operation may require about three minutes.
When WE152 is on line again, it’s suggested to enter the interface and check if the upgrade has been successfully executed (it’s enough to check it on the status panel).
The device features are some hardware and software optional functions that compose the system.
To check the enabled options on the device, go to page System → Features.
The plugins are a set of encrypted files that allow to add or change a part of the configuration and of the available web pages.
To upload a plugin or the check the list of the currently installed plugins on a device, enter the page System → Plugins.
This interesting tool allows for instance to send a file to the WE152, in order to add a pre-set configuration according to the specifications or the requirements of the customer.
Through a plugin it’s possible to add:
The main difference between loading a plugin or make a restore from a device backup , is that through the plugins some new dedicated pages can be added, and some variables, events, actions can be added to the already available (while with the restore procedure the existing configuration is simply overwritten).
For a deeper information about the available plugins or to request a customized plugin, it’s necessary to contact Nethix Support Service.
The product shall not be treated as household waste. It shall be instead handed over to an appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic products. For further information about recycling of this product, contact the local city office and/or the local waste disposal service.
Nethix warrants to the buyer that the product will be defect-free within two years (24 months) from the date of purchase.
During warranty time, and against presentation of purchase invoice, the product will be repaired or replaced, at Nethix’s discretion, without any additional costs as regards spare parts and repair, if the damages are proven to be manufacturing defects.
Warranty will be voided if the product has not been used properly.
In case of technical problems the user can ask for support:
Product return to NETHIX must be previously authorized, requesting a RMA number.
Please send an Email at Nethix containing all following information:
Nethix will communicate the RMA number, in order to start the return procedure of the product.
The delivery of the goods shall be arranged DDP at Nethix premises.
Products returned without factory seals will be automatically treated as out-of-warranty repair services.