DeepLog Portal


1. General Information

The device DeepLog acquires and logs the data collected from the field and allows to send them to one or more recipients according to customer’s requirement. The available data delivery modalities are the following:

  • FTP
  • Email

In case of FTP and Email delivery, the customer has to provide the configuration of the whole system, providing all necessary parameters needed for the correct functioning and managing of the received data.

The HTTP modality is instead developed for interacting with the DeepLog Portal service offered by Nethix, for providing a complete and functioning system, specifically developed for supporting DeepLog. The communication between the devices and the DeepLog Portal takes place through an encrypted protocol, that grants the highest security in the data transmission and the greatest flexibility in the data management.

DeepLog Portal allows to:

  • Set the devices
  • Configure events and alarms that trigger notifications to the operators
  • Display and export the data delivered by the devices
  • Upgrade the device software

The Webinterface of DeepLog Portal is accessible from any device having an internet connection (Pc, laptop, smartphone or tablet) and provides a central collection point for the data coming from all the devices managed by the customer.

1.1. System architecture

DeepLog Portal is designed for providing the highest flexibility to the users. It allows them to organize the devices in groups according to specific requirements. The system is based on a tree-structure composed of the following elements:

  • Customer
  • Domain
  • Devices
  • Users

The Customer is the client that interacts directly with Nethix and is the account’s owner. Every Customer has the possibility to manage one or more domains. The domain is a group of devices. The users are connected to a Customer and to Domains.

If a customer wants to create sub-group containing its clients or the devices referred to a certain area or region, this cloud structure allows to create several domains. In every additional domain it can then be defined which users are enable.

There are three different types of users available, each of them having different privileges:

  • Admin It’s the user associated to the customer. This can manage all its domains and all its devices. It can also create users type User and Monitoring
  • User It can be created by an Admin User and can create Monitoring Users. It can manage the domains enabled by the Admin and all associated devices
  • Monitoring It cannot create new users. Once logged in, it can only visualize the data and the status of the devices inside the domains, where it’s enabled. Differently from the User, it cannot make any kind of modification

1.2. Web interface

To enter the DeepLog Portal, digit the following address on a browser (Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are recommended):

The credentials, associated to the user, are requested to log-in:


The DeepLog Portal Web Interface is composed mainly of 4 elements: header, menu, content (body) and footer. With the only exception of the content, the other components remain the same independently from the displayed page:


1.2.3. Body

On the body of the Web Interface of the DeepLog Portal are displayed the information and specific options of the page selected from the menu.


Even if the content may change according to the selected page, the structure of the central body shows mainly three elements: the upper part, where the name of the current page is reported; the central part, where the lists of domains, devices and users are displayed and the lower part, where the keys for saving, deleting and editing are available (if allowed by the privileges of the user).

2. Domains management

After the Log-in inside the DeepLog Portal, the first page displayed is the Domain List. The Domains can be considered as “containers” of devices and allow the Admin users to organize their several DeepLog.

The Admin users can in fact visualize and manage all the devices associated with their Customer (i.e. the person or company that has subscribed the contract with Nethix for using the Portal): they can decide whether to create users with limited privileges and enable them only to a part of the available domains.

The User Users or Monitoring Users will therefore have access only to some of the available DeepLog.

Selecting from the Menu the position Domain, the following page will be displayed:

  • 1 On this column is reported the name of the domain
  • 2 The default domain is the first one to be displayed after the login
  • 3 Clicking on this icon it’s possible to print the list of available domains
  • 4 If the green check is available on the column Data Delivery, the devices associated with that domain are enabled for data delivery to the DeepLog Portal.
  • 5 The column Edit/Delete is available only for the Admin Users.
  • 6 Using the “search tool” it’s possible to find out a domain, searching by name among the list
  • 7 Clicking on the pencil icon, it’s possible to edit the selected domain
  • 8 Checking the box it’s possible to cancel the selected domain/s
  • 9 Clicking on Delete, the domains selected on the previous step will be eliminated. Clicking on Add it’s possible to create a new domain
  • 10 Through the drop-down menu it’s possible to decide the number of displayed domains on each page: 10, 25, 50 or 100
  • 11 Using the navigation keys it’s possible to browse through all pages of the menu

If permitted by the user’s privileges, it’s possible to click on Add to create a new domain.

  • Name It allows to set the name of the new domain
  • Default domain If enabled, it makes the current domain to be the first one to be displayed at the login on the Deeplog Portal. The default domain is the only one that cannot be deleted
  • Data delivery Enabling this feature, the DeepLog associated with the domain can deliver data to the DeepLog Portal
  • Users In order to enable one or more users to enter the selected domain, they have to be selected from the list Available and dragged on the right section Selected

Clicking on Save, all modifications will be confirmed; clicking on Back, all modifications will be erased, returning on the previous page.

Once created a domain, it’s possible to select it from the list of available domains and add one or more devices inside of it.

3. List of Devices

There are two procedures to enter the list of devices:

  • Selecting Devices → Device list from the Menu
  • Selecting a domain from the Domains section on the Menu

On the first case all the DeepLog enabled for the user are displayed, independently from their domain. On the second case only the devices, associated with the selected domain, are shown.

  • 1 Inside the box, on the left, are displayed some general information about the device, as for instance:
    • Model device model (DeepLog)
    • Last connection date and time of the last data delivery
    • S/N Serial Number of the device
    • Battery Battery charge status. It’s represented by the following icons: batt_ok battery charge still available; batt_unknown battery charge status not available (this is normally displayed before the first data delivery); batt_low battery residual charge lower than 10%
    • Version It shows the software version currently installed on the device. Beside the version, the following icons may appear: new_update means that new upgrades are available, fw_update means that an upgrade is in progress.
    • Connectivity This field appears only in case of Networking events (as described below). The icon conn_error indicates the occurrence of a critical condition (for example if a Deeplog couldn’t make the data delivery within the defined time), while the icon conn_ok indicates that there are no connectivity issues between the device and the DeepLog Portal.
  • 2 In this area is displayed the last acquired status of the selected device inputs. The values displayed correspond to those of the last data delivery of Deeplog.
  • 3 The icon edit_delete allows to edit or cancel the selected Deeplog. In edit mode, the Admin users can change the name of the device and the domain, and can enable/disable the data delivery.
  • 4 The button Add is available only for Admin users, and allows to add a new device. The page corresponds to the one displayed on edit modality:

Once entered the required information, it’s possible to confirm, clicking on Save, or to erase, clicking on Back.

4. Devices and acquired data management

Clicking on the name of a DeepLog, available on the list, it’s possible to enter the section, where the collected data are displayed. Here it’s also possible to configure some additional functions.

This area is divided into 4 sections:

  • Dashboard
  • Configuration
  • Logs
  • Tasks

4.1. Dashboard

The first section displayed refers to the Dashboard.


On the upper part of the page are displayed the same data as shown on the device page:

  • 1 Inside the box, on the left, are displayed some general information about the device, as for instance:
    • Model device model (DeepLog)
    • Last connection date and time of last data delivery
    • S/N Serial Number of the device
    • Battery Battery charge status. It’s represented by the following icons: batt_ok2 battery charge still available; batt_unknown2 battery charge status not available (this is normally displayed before the first data delivery); batt_low2 battery residual charge lower than 10%
    • Version It shows the software version currently installed on the device. Beside the version, the following icons may appear: new_update2 it means that new upgrades are available, fw_update2 it means that an upgrade is in progress.
    • Connectivity This field appears only in case of Networking events (as described below). The icon conn_error2 indicates the occurrence of a critical condition (for example if a DeepLog couldn’t execute the data delivery within the defined time), while the icon conn_ok2 indicates connectivity issues between the device and the Deeplog Portal
  • 2 The icon edit_delete2 allows to edit or cancel the selected Deeplog. In edit mode, the Admin users can change the name of the device and the domain, and can enable/disable the data delivery.
  • 3 In this area the last acquired status of the selected device inputs is displayed. The values shown correspond to those of the last data delivery of Deeplog.

On the lower part of the page it’s possible to display a chart of the acquired data:

  • 4 Chart area. The chart is multi-trace (several inputs can be displayed on the same chart)
  • 5 Clicking on the icon calendar it’s possible to select the time interval to be applied to the chart.
  • 6 Chart keys

4.2. Device configuration

Selecting Configuration, it’s possible to enter on the area dedicated to the DeepLog configuration. The configuration allows to set the following parameters:

  • Networking
  • Data sampling
  • Data delivery
  • Analog inputs
  • Digital inputs
  • Networking events


The modifications entered in this section are first saved by DeepLog Portal and then made available for the device. The modifications will be applied at the first connection of the device with the Portal (for example at the first data delivery scheduled)

4.2.1. Networking

Clicking on Networking, it’s displayed the area that allows to configure some of the main parameters useful for the proper functioning of the SIM data connection.

  • APN The APN (Access Point Name) is an important option, to be configured for a proper functioning of the data connection. The value of this parameter may vary according to the Provider of the Sim card inserted in the device. For further information contact the Provider or visit its web site.
  • Ping server It allows to configure the server, where the DeepLog regularly sends a ping. This allows to keep the internet connection of the device monitored. Unless otherwise required by the customer, it’s possible to keep the default settings (
  • NTP server 1 and 2 They allow to indicate up to 2 NTP servers. The NTP (Network Time Protocol) is a system, that provides the synchronization of data and time in the devices. Once established the data connection, DeepLog will get the correct data and time information from the server. Unless otherwise required by the customer, it’s possible to keep the default settings ( and

4.2.2. Data sampling

Clicking on Data Sampling, the section is entered, where the interval of time for the execution of the data sampling on the connected sensors is set.


The available options are:

  • 1 minute
  • 5 minutes
  • 15 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 3 hours
  • 6 hours
  • 12 hours
  • 24 hours

It’s also possible to enter a value on the field Sensor startup time (seconds): this parameter defines, how long DeepLog should supply any active sensors (i.e. those sensors that require an external power supply).


The programmed frequency of DeepLog wakeups and the duration of sensors startups (beside the current consumption of the same) may influence the battery lifetime.

4.2.3. Data delivery

Once defined the data sampling time in the internal memory of the device, it’s possible to select the option Data delivery, in order to define the interval of time and the recipient of DeepLog data delivery.


The first parameter to be entered is the Data delivery time. This parameter is unique for any type of delivery and is strictly connected with the sampling time described above. It’s in fact possible to program DeepLog with two different intervals of times for data sampling and data delivery.

For example, if we set a sampling time of one hour and a delivery time of 24 hours, DeepLog would be started up 24 times a day, but establish the data connection only once a day.

The available options are:

  • 15 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 6 hours
  • 12 hours
  • 24 hours
  • 2 days
  • 1 week


The frequency of the required data delivery of DeepLog influences the number of data connections and thus the battery lifetime.

There are three different data delivery methods, and they can be enabled simultaneously: HTTPS, FTP and Email.


The HTTPS method allows DeepLog to send data to DeepLog Portal.


For a proper functioning of the system, keep the default parameters unchanged.

  • URL
  • Port 443


For this data delivery method, the customer must start up his own FTP server. In this case the data are delivered in .csv format, in order to be easily processed.


The required parameters are those normally requested in similar systems:

  • URL FTP server address: where DeepLog shall deliver the data to
  • Port Server port
  • Username and Password Credentials for the authentication on the FTP server


Even for the Email data delivery, the customer has to provide the management of the delivered data. Also in this case the used format is the .csv..

  • Server It specifies the used email server
  • Port It indicates the Email server port to be used
  • Username and Password Credentials for the email server
  • SSL and TLS It allows to specify the encryption protocol, if required (even both)
  • Recipient the fields Recipient 1..5 allow to enter up to 5 Email addresses for the data delivery

4.2.4. Analog Inputs configuration

DeepLog is equipped with 3 analog inputs, each of them is configurable according to the specific requirements of the installation and of the sensors. For the configuration of the analog inputs, click the option Analog input 1..3.

  • Name Enter in this field the name to be assigned to the analog input
  • Enable Check the box Enable to use the input
  • Type It’s possible to choose the type of analog input, according to the output of the sensor to be connected. The available options are 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5V and 0-10V
  • Unit In this field it’s possible to enter the measurement unit of the parameter to be collected
  • Minimum and Maximum These fields allow to scale the read value of the parameter according to the range of the device
  • Decimals It indicates the number of decimals from 0 to 2

Once filled in all previous fields, it’s possible to click the tab New Event in order to enter the section dedicated to the event creation. To create an event it’s necessary to define a condition that, once occurred, lets DeepLog Portal send an email to one or more recipients: for instance at the crossing of a threshold by one of the monitored sensors.

  • Name Specific name to be assigned to the event being created
  • Enable Check the box to enable the event
  • Condition Specify the condition that shall occur for triggering the email to the recipients. The available conditions are: equal to, different from, lower than, lower or equal to, higher than, higher or equal to
  • Value Enter the value of the threshold, for the triggering of the event
  • Send email Enter the text of the email to be sent
  • Recipient Enter a valid address of the recipient of the email. Through the icon add_icon it can be added further recipients. To remove a recipient from the list, click on the icon delete_icon available on the right top corner.


  • Analog Input: Analog Input 1
  • Condition: higher than
  • Value: 5

The email will be sent when the value of the Analog Input 1 is higher than 5.


The events are managed by the DeepLog Portal and not by the device. The condition is in fact applied on the already received data and not on those yet to be delivered. The emails are sent by the DeepLog Portal through a default email address (that cannot be changed by the user). The timeliness in the alarm notifications depends on the frequency of the configured data delivery, as described on paragraph 4.2.3

After the configuration of an event, it’s possible to create a new one, clicking on New Event. To cancel a previously created event, click on the icon delete_icon2.

4.2.5. Digital Inputs configuration

DeepLog is equipped with 3 digital inputs, each of them configurable according to the specific requirements of the installation and of the sensors to be read. To configure the digital inputs click on the option Digital Inputs 1,,3.

  • Name The name to be assigned to the digital input
  • Enable Check the box to enable the input
  • Type It’s possible to choose the desired digital input type. According to the selection, the following fields may have different meaning. The available options are: Normal, Totalizer, Flowmeter and Power output.


Selecting this option, the input will be used for getting the status open/closed (for instance in case that a float is connected to the input)

  • Active label In all the areas where the status of the inputs will be required (for instance on the received logs or on the dashboard) this description will be displayed, to indicate the status contact closed
  • Inactive label In all the areas where the status of the inputs will be required ( for instance on the received logs or on the dashboard) this description will be displayed, to indicate the status contact open


Selecting this option, the input will be used as a totalizer. At each received impulse, the value of the totalizer will increase of the quantity specified by the user.

  • Unit It allows to enter the measurement unit for the parameter to be acquired
  • Volume It represents the incremental value for each received impulse
  • Decimals It allows to specify the number of decimals to be displayed


DeepLog can read the impulse received on a digital input configured as a Totalizer, even if it’s on energy saving status.


Totalizer option is available only for the digital inputs 1 and 2.


Selecting this option the input will be used as a flowmeter. The sample unit set by the user will be then divide for the time calculated between two impulses.

  • Unit It allows to enter the measurement unit for the parameter to be acquired
  • Volume It’s the sample unit to be divided for the time passed between two impulses.
  • Decimals It allows to specify the number of decimals to be displayed.


  • Unit: l/s
  • Volume: 100
  • Data sampling: every 30 minutes
  • Data delivery time: every hour

Even if in energy saving status, DeepLog counts the number of received impulses. Every 30 minutes the device wakes up and save in the internal memory the number of impulses received. Then it resets the counter and starts counting again. Every hour it sends two types of data to the DeepLog Portal: each of them includes the result of 30 minutes sampling. DeepLog Portal calculates the flow, multiplying the volume by the number of impulses and dividing the result for the sampling time.


DeepLog can read the impulses received on a digital input, configured as Flowmeter, even if it’s in energy saving modality.


Flowmeter option is available only for the digital inputs 1 and 2.


Selecting this option the input will be used for powering active sensors, that require an external power supply.


The so configured digital input cannot be used for reading impulse. The status of the input will be described as OK if no anomalies are detected and as Overcurrent if the device detects a current request higher than the max. allowed.

Independently from the selection made on the field Type, once filled in the specific parameters, it’s possible to click on New Event, and visualize the area dedicated to the event creation. The creation of a new event allows to define a condition that, at its occurrence, lets DeepLog Portal send an email to one or more recipients, for instance, at the crossing of a certain alarm threshold by one of the monitored sensors.

  • Name Name to be assigned to the event being created
  • Enable Check the box to enable the event
  • Condition Specify the condition that shall occur for triggering the email to the recipients. The available conditions are: equal to, different from, lower than, lower or equal to, higher than, higher or equal to.
  • Value Enter the value of the threshold, for the triggering of the event
  • Send email Enter the text of the email to be sent
  • Recipient Enter a valid address for the recipient of the email. Through the icon add_icon2 can be added further recipients. To remove a recipient from the list, click on the icon delete_icon3 available on the right top corner


  • Analog Input: Analog Input 1
  • Condition: higher than
  • Value: 5

The email will be sent when the value of the Analog Input 1 is higher than 5.


The events are managed by the DeepLog Portal and not by the device. The condition is in fact applied on the already received data and not on those yet to be delivered. The emails are sent by the DeepLog Portal through a default email address (that cannot be changed by the user). The timeliness in the alarm notifications depends on the frequency of the configured data delivery, as described on paragraph 4.2.3

After the configuration of an event, it’s possible to create a new one clicking on New Event. To cancel a previously created event, click on the icon delete_icon4.

4.2.6. Networking events configuration

Selecting the option Networking events from the page Configuration, it’s possible to add events, in order to send email notifications in case of malfunctions: for example if a DeepLog misses the scheduled data delivery.


To add a new event, click on New Event

  • Name The name to be assigned to the digital input
  • Enable Check the box to enable the input
  • Condition Describe the condition that must occur, for triggering the email notification to the recipients. The available conditions are: data not received
  • For at least Enter the time for keeping the condition activated before sending the email notification
  • Send email Enter the text of the email to be sent
  • Recipient Enter a valid address for the recipient of the email. Through the icon add_icon3 can be added further recipients. To remove a recipient from the list, click on the icon delete_icon5 available on the right top corner

After the configuration of an event, it’s possible to create a new one, clicking on New Event. To cancel a previously created event click the icon delete_icon6.

4.3. Received data visualization

Selecting one DeepLog from the list of available devices, it’s possible to display the chart of the collected data on the page Dashboard. Selecting the page Log, it’s possible to visualize the data on tabular format.

The Log section is divided into two areas: the upper part (called Data) reports all data referred to the analog and digital inputs, while the lower part (called Events) shows the complete list of occurred events ( both referred to threshold crossing and to connectivity issues).

  • 1 Clicking on “Search by date” the calendar opens, and gives the opportunity to select the desired time interval
  • 2 Clicking on this icon it’s possible to print the currently displayed data
  • 3 Clicking on this icon it’s possible to export the data, in order to save them in the PC. The file is in .csv format
  • 4 In this tab it’s possible to enter a specific value to be searched among all available data
  • 5 Here are displayed the logs available within the defined time interval. On the first left column is the real date and time of the logs (not the date and time of the log delivery to the Deeplog Portal), the following columns show the data referred to the sampled inputs
  • 6 This allows to know the totality of the registered log
  • 7 It allows to select the quantity of logs to be displayed on this page: 10, 25, 50 and 100
  • 8 These keys allow to browse through all the pages of the menu


The displayed data on this page are not the raw data collected by the device, but are already scaled according to the settings made by the user.

4.4. Task management

The Tasks are upgrading actions requested by the user and can be classified into two groups: Firmware upgrade and Configuration upgrade.

Anytime the user makes a modification on the device configuration ( see Device Configuration), and anytime that a Firmware Upgrade procedure is launched, a Task is created. This task will be performed at the first connection of DeepLog to the Portal (for instance at data delivery).

The list of the performed, outstanding or failed tasks is available on the section Tasks.

  • 1 Clicking on this icon it’s possible to print the list of the currently displayed tasks
  • 2 Clicking on this area it’s possible to search for a task among the list
  • 3 The list of tasks is composed of 4 columns:
    • Type Describes if the task refers to the firmware or configuration upgrade
    • Status Through icons it shows the state of progress of the task. The icon task_ok indicates that the task has been successfully executed; the icon task_error indicates that the task is canceled or failed, while the icon task_update indicates that the task is in progress. When this icon is on, it’s still possible to cancel the task, clicking on abort
    • Start it’s the starting date and time of the task
    • End it’s the date and time when the task has been executed or canceled
  • 4 It shows the total number of available tasks
  • 5 It allows to set the number of tasks to be displayed on each page: 10, 25, 50 and 100
  • 6 These keys allow to browse through all the pages of the menu
  • 7 Clicking on the tab Delete executed tasks, it’s possible to erase the whole list of task

4.5. Firmware upgrade

DeepLog Portal allows to remotely upgrade the managed devices. The availability of a new upgrade is notified through a dedicated icon, available on the summary box of each Deeplog (both from the Device List and from the Dashboard).


Clicking on the icon new_update3 it’s possible to start up the upgrade procedure. It’s then required to confirm the operation, clicking on the button Update or to quit clicking on Return.


Confirming the Update, the following page will appear


Clicking now on OK, a new task is created and the icon fw_update3 appears. The task will be executed at the first connection of DeepLog to the DeepLog Portal

5. Users management

To enter the DeepLog Portal is necessary to be registered as a user. There are three types of users, each of them with different privileges:

  • Admin This type can manage all DeepLog and all available Domains. It can create users of type User and Monitoring, but cannot create, visualize or change other Admin users.
  • User This type can be created by an Admin user and can create Monitoring users. It can manage domains, if enabled by the Admin user, and all devices associated to the same.
  • Monitoring This type of user cannot create new users. Once logged in, it can visualize the data and the status of the devices available inside the domains, where it is enabled. Differently from the User user, this cannot make any kind of modification.

In order to create, cancel or modify a user, it’s necessary to select the tab Users from the menu of DeepLog Portal. First of all the list of the already existing users will be displayed

  • 1 The user List is composed of columns:
    • Username It’s the username connected to the account
    • Email It’s the email address connected to the account
    • Customer Name of the person/company owner of the account
    • Privileges Type of privileges granted to the user (Admin, User or Monitoring)
    • Edit/Delete The users with relevant privileges can select, delete or edit a previously created user
  • 2 It allows to find a user among the list
  • 3 Clicking on this icon, the users with relevant privileges can edit a previously created user
  • 4 Selecting this icon, the users with relevant privileges can delete a previously created user
  • 5 This allows to know the quantity of available users
  • 6 The button Add allows to create a new user. Clicking on Delete the users selected on point 4 will be deleted
  • 7 It allows to decide how many users to be displayed on each page: 10, 25, 50 and 100
  • 8 These keys allow to browse through all the pages of the menu

Clicking on the button Add, in order to create a new user, the following page will show:

  • Username Username to be used for authenticating inside the DeepLog Portal
  • Full name Name and Surname (or other references) of the person connected to the account
  • Privileges Privileges to be assigned to the new user. It’s possible to choose among User and Monitoring. The Admin users can be created only on request of Nethix.
  • Email Email Address to be associated to the new user. At the end of the registration DeepLog Portal will send an activation link to this address, to allow the new user to confirm the registration and set the password of the account
  • Telephone Telephone number of the person connected to the account
  • Expire date It’s possible to create users with fixed expiry term. Clicking on Expire date a calendar will allow to set a date of expiry
  • Domains Selecting among the domains available on the left box and dragging them on the section Selected, it can be defined, in which domains the user is enabled.

Clicking on Save, all modifications will be saved; clicking on Back it’s possible to go back to the previous section.